College FAQ

Bright Star Christian School is committed to providing the best education your child can obtain. This includes making sure your child is prepared for college.

College Admission

Myth: Attending a Christian private school through high school will make it more difficult for my student to get into college. FALSE
Fact: Colleges actively recruit from Christian private schools and homeschool co-ops. Including Princeton, Stanford, Harvard, and MIT
Fact: Every college that Bright Star graduates have applied to has accepted our students with no additional testing or requirements.
Fact: Bright Star Christian School administrators work with each student’s family and college admission specialists to make sure the student has everything he/she needs for admission to the college of the student’s choice.


Myth: Because my student will not be ranked it will put him/her at a disadvantage in applying for admission. FALSE
Fact: More than half of the public high schools in the United States do not rank students anymore (due to unfairness based on class size).
Fact: Texas law passed in 1997 to grant automatic admission of top 10% to state schools was an affirmative action measure to ensure race and gender were not allowed to be considerations.
Fact: Not being ranked is better because your child cannot be automatically denied. It forces the college to look at your student’s application and performance.
Fact: Being unranked has not affected any Bright Star Graduates in his/her college admissions.
Fact: Bright Star Administrators work with college admission boards to make sure our students have what they need.


Myth: Because my student will not be ranked it will put them at a disadvantage in applying for scholarships. FALSE
Fact: Excluding athletic scholarships, most funding boards do not even look at whether or not a high school experience was public or private.
Fact: Most funding boards that do look at high school accreditation favor private and homeschool graduates.
Fact: Texas made it illegal in 2015 to evaluate homeschoolers or private schoolers differently for merit-based scholarships offered by state schools. SB1543
Fact: Texas Education Code 51.9241 says, “The State of Texas considers the successful completion of a homeschool education to be equivalent to graduation from a public or private high school. ”
Fact: One of Bright Star Christian School’s graduates of the class of 2018 received a full ride scholarship to the University of Texas at Tyler.


Sources:  Page 267 for Texas$ext.TacPagesl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=19&pt=1&ch=5&rl=5